i got this chocolate easter bunny and it is *nasty* ick ick ick... MMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUGAR OVERLOAD i just put an entire creme egg in my mouth ::::falls out of chair:::: aaaahhhhh.... mmiiilllk that egg was obscene i think i'll.... have another one hrm, Bono wants one (he's sitting on top of my computer) "ok come on man, this thing is twice the size of your little head. no" ok, he's not happy he's pulling the little glow-in-the-dark stars off my computer screen and throwing them at me "hey knock it off!" grrr :::::suddenly falls out of chair:::::: sorry, i just got brave and ate another creme egg "HEY! enough with the stars." Bono tries a different approach. He sits down with his feet dangling over the edge of the monitor, and looks at me. NNNOOO!!!! puppy eyes! Edge oozes himself out of my floppy disk drive and clambers up to the monitor. He sits down next to Bono and proceeds to stare at me. AAHH!! Now i have two pairs of puppy eyes staring at me. And we all know how Edge can be. i... will... not... give... in... ok fine. i get a creme egg and set it on op of the monitor. the sound of foil attracts Adam and Larry. They all gather 'round, unwrap the egg and dig in. maybe now they'll leave me alone. it may seem cool but they're PESKY little critters.