Bono just oozed out of my disk drive for no apparent reason. He walked over to my plate and started eating my dinner. I figured well, hell, he's only about 5 inches tall, so it's not like he can eat all of my food, not like he can eat ANY significant amount of my food. He had enough and asked me if anybody else was around. I told him I saw Shirley Manson go by awhile ago, so why don't you go entertain her? I'm taking this plate downstairs to put it in the dishwasher. I came back upstairs to my computer table to find a piece of kleenex sitting on the table. Good, I have a cold. I hear a small noise. The Edge clambers grumpily out of my printer, snatches up the kleenex to reveal Bono and Shirley, stomps back to the printer with his kleenex, curls up and goes back to sleep in it. Now he's warm and happy. And now I know why my printer's been misbehaving. I open it up to find the Edge, curled up asleep wrapped in a kleenex, all cute and stuff. He took a liking to my printer a few days ago, I guess he really likes it cuz it's dark and quiet in there, he doesn't have to worry about Bono. Sorry man, I have to use that printer. There's lots of cozy little places to hide. He asks if he can use my computer. I find something better to do while he types email. He's so little he has to hop around on the keys...