That pesky little klepto! I dont know what the hell he plans to do with them. OK and you know what? I asked Larry (basking in the flourescent light, sprawled on the fax machine, he happened to be the nearest one) why Bono stole them, he gets up, grumbles cuz I interrrupted his nap, and walks off to find Bono. I don't know where he is but he's probably camped out on a bookshelf. Anyway, Larry comes back and tells me that my shoelaces will be returned in exchange for the Tabasco sauce. Huh? uhhh... no. Bono steps out from behind my computer, a bundle of shoelaces in his arms, looking irritated. "You gonna give me back my shoelaces or what?" I say. "Not till I get some Tabasco sauce." "Tell ya what, tomorrow, I'll take you to the taqueria and the flea market." Bono is overjoyed. Not only is there Tobasco sauce, but the flea market is full of trash: black vinyl, leopard-print things, lowrider shirts. and it's so cheap you don't have to spend a fortune to look trashy...